Practice Essentials
The term gallbladder mucocele refers to an overdistended gallbladder filled with mucoid or clear and watery content. Usually noninflammatory, it results from outlet obstruction of the gallbladder and is commonly caused by an impacted stone in the neck of the gallbladder or in the cystic duct. (See the image below.)

Signs and symptoms
Symptoms of a gallbladder mucocele include the following:
Right-upper-quadrant (RUQ) pain or epigastric pain and discomfort
Nausea and vomiting
The following suggest other conditions:
Continuance of pain or persistence of tenderness for longer than 6 hours - Acute cholecystitis
Fever and chills - Infected bile, with possible gallbladder empyema
Jaundice - Coexisting obstruction of the common bile duct (CBD)
Physical findings include the following:
Minimal acute inflammatory signs
Large, palpable, somewhat tender mass
See Presentation for more detail.
Laboratory studies that may be helpful include the following:
White blood cell (WBC) count - Mild leukocytosis with a left shift is common; higher counts suggest acute cholecystitis or infected bile
Bilirubin - Usually within the reference range but may be mildly raised with Mirizzi syndrome or associated CBD obstruction or cholangitis
Liver enzymes - Usually within the reference range, though alkaline phosphatase may be mildly elevated; large increases suggest an obstructed CBD
Serum amylase levels - Usually within the reference range; large increases suggests acute pancreatitis
Imaging modalities that may be considered include the following:
Ultrasonography - Extremely sensitive in detecting gallbladder stones and identifying intrahepatic biliary tree dilatation
Plain radiography of the abdomen - Nonspecific, used only as a guideline in differential diagnosis
Scintigraphy (hepato-iminodiacetic acid [HIDA] scanning) - Capable of offering only indirect evidence but possible worth considering in obscure cases
Computed tomography (CT) - Indicated when the diagnosis is unclear or other associated conditions or complications are present that must be assessed
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
See Workup for more detail.
Surgery is definitive treatment for gallbladder obstruction, and no absolute contraindication to such treatment exists. However, the following factors may be considered:
The presence of any associated medical conditions or illnesses that preclude surgery would constitute a contraindication to surgical treatment.
Laboratory research suggests that chemical ablation of the gallbladder mucosa may be an alternative in patients who are medically unfit, elderly, or critically ill
Surgical options include the following:
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - The criterion standard procedure
Open cholecystectomy - An option for patients who have a very large gallbladder, greatly thickened gallbladder walls, or an obliterated triangle of Calot
Percutaneous or open cholecystostomy - A temporary measure, usually performed when the patient is very sick or the dissection is technically very difficult and followed by a completion cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy - An option for very difficult gallbladder dissections in which the inflammation is very severe and in the region of the neck
See Treatment for more detail.
Mucocele (hydrops) of the gallbladder is a term denoting an overdistended gallbladder filled with mucoid or clear and watery content. [1] The condition can result from gallstone disease, the most common affliction of the biliary system. Gallstone disease affects 15-20% of the US population, with nearly 1 million new cases reported annually. [2, 3, 4]
The gallbladder mucocele distention, which is usually noninflammatory, results from an outlet obstruction of the gallbladder and is commonly caused by an impacted stone in the neck of the gallbladder or in the cystic duct. [2, 3, 5, 6]
No single laboratory test is diagnostic of a gallbladder mucocele. However, laboratory workup should include all tests performed for acute cholecystitis. Ultrasonography (US) is extremely sensitive in detecting stones in the gallbladder; other imaging modalities may be helpful in certain circumstances (see Workup).
Cholecystectomy is the definitive treatment for an obstructed gallbladder. Medical approaches may be considered in specific circumstances (see Treatment).
Long-standing obstruction to the gallbladder’s outflow results in overdistention of the gallbladder; occasionally, the gallbladder assumes massive proportions, and its volume may reach 1.5 L. The bile or bile pigment is slowly resorbed, and continuing secretion from the mucosa of the gallbladder results in clear and watery or mucoid content (white bile).
The gallbladder wall may be of normal thickness, though in long-standing cases, the mucosa atrophies and the wall becomes thin, sometimes even transparent. Wall thickening can occur with recurrent attacks of cholecystitis (see the image below). The contents are usually sterile, and any bacterial contamination ends in empyema of the gallbladder.

Gross overdistention may result in gangrene or perforation of the gallbladder, with ensuing pericholecystic collection or peritonitis. The severity of the inflammatory episode dictates the clinical presentation.
Microscopic examination reveals a flattened mucosa lined by low columnar or cuboidal cells; the increased intraluminal pressure results in plentiful Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses. Inflammatory cells may be present, either in small numbers or in abundance. [2, 3, 5]
Causes of gallbladder mucoceles include the following:
Impacted stone in the gallbladder neck or cystic duct
Spontaneously resolved acute cholecystitis
Tumors - Polyps or malignancy of the gallbladder
Extrinsic compression of the neck or the cystic duct by lymph nodes or inflammatory fibrosis or by adjacent malignancies in the liver, duodenum, or colon
Prolonged total parenteral nutrition or ceftriaxone therapy
Congenital narrowing of the cystic duct
Parasites (eg, Ascaris)
In infants and children, acute, acalculous, noninflammatory hydrops of the gallbladder may be associated with the following:
Kawasaki syndrome (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) [7]
Streptococcal pharyngitis
Mesenteric adenitis
Familial Mediterranean fever
Nephrotic syndrome
Fibrocystic disease
About 3% of all pathologic gallbladders in adults are mucoceles. Because different authors use varying criteria to define the condition, the true prevalence of gallbladder mucocele may be higher. [2, 3, 8] Some reports indicate that an association could exist between mucoceles and solitary stones of the gallbladder. [9]
The prognosis is excellent if the diagnosis is correct and no complications have ensued.
Complications may develop when progressive inflammation leads to acute cholecystitis and all its attendant manifestations.
In addition, bacterial contamination of the bile can lead to empyema of the gallbladder, in which case the patient will usually have a toxic and ill appearance. Gas-producing organisms may lead to an emphysematous gallbladder; air bubbles in the wall of the gallbladder can be visualized by means of plain radiography, US, or computed tomography (CT).
Another potential complication is perforation of the gallbladder (see the first image below) with ensuing pericholecystic abscess or fluid collection and peritonitis (see the second image below); the diagnosis is usually strongly suspected on clinical grounds. Pseudomyxoma peritonei may result from the rupture of a true mucocele of the gallbladder.

Perforation of the gallbladder into the intestinal tract results in a cholecystenteric fistula. This occurs when the stone erodes into adjacent bowel, usually the duodenum. Gas in the biliary tree may be evident on plain radiographs of the abdomen or on ultrasonograms. If the stone is large, this may result in obstruction of the distal small bowel, leading to gallstone ileus.
Large gallbladders may compress the pylorus or duodenum, causing gastric outlet obstruction. [2, 10]
Image is from a 35-year-old woman who presented with recurrent episodes of right upper quadrant colic; most recent attack was 3 days before. Gross wall thickening is apparent; this is usually measured on anterior wall of gallbladder. Also apparent are clear content, stone in neck of gallbladder, and absence of pericholecystic fluid. All favor diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.
Stone in neck of gallbladder, with postacoustic shadowing. Minimal wall thickening and dilated gallbladder suggest mucocele.
Transverse scan shows stone in neck of gallbladder, with postacoustic shadowing. Minimal wall thickening and dilated gallbladder are also visible.
Transverse scans show layering of gallbladder wall; this suggests edema and indicates acute cholecystitis.
Longitudinal scan shows layering, with fluid in wall of gallbladder and impacted stone in neck of gallbladder. Intraluminal shadowing indicates sediments in fluid; image indicates acute cholecystitis with possible pyocele of gallbladder.
Cluster of impacted calculi in neck of gallbladder, minimal wall thickening, and clear content; this indicates mucocele of gallbladder.
Cluster of calculi with postacoustic shadowing in neck of gallbladder, normal wall, and clear content; this indicates mucocele of gallbladder.
Distended gallbladder with evidence of adhesions on its wall. Irregular surface indicates recurrent attacks of cholecystitis.
Yellowish aspirate from gallbladder of a 28-year-old woman who presented with features of right upper quadrant peritonitis. Slightly yellowish fluid was sterile and was rich in cholesterol.
Subserosal perforation of acute, emphysematous, acalculous cholecystitis in a 58-year-old diabetic man. Patient presented with features suggestive of ileus. He had high intrathoracic liver (and gallbladder), and clinical signs were atypical. Green color is unusual.
Laparoscopic view of distended gallbladder in woman aged 70 years with sudden onset of severe right upper abdominal pain.
Stone being extracted from cystic duct through small ductotomy.