Pediatric Craniosynostosis

Updated: Sep 26, 2024
  • Author: Nathan J Ranalli, MD; Chief Editor: George I Jallo, MD  more...
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Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures occurs, often resulting in an abnormal head shape. It may result from a primary defect of ossification (primary craniosynostosis) or, more commonly, from a failure of brain growth (secondary craniosynostosis). Simple craniosynostosis is a term used when only one suture fuses prematurely. Complex or compound craniosynostosis is used to describe premature fusion of multiple sutures. When children with craniosynostosis, usually complex, also display other body deformities, this is termed syndromic craniosynostosis. [1, 2]


Normal skull development

Ossification of the cranial vault starts in the central region of each cranial bone and extends outward toward the cranial sutures.

The primary factor that maintains suture patency is ongoing brain growth and that the expanding dura is very osteogenic.

Normal skull growth occurs perpendicular to each suture.

Diagram of a neonate's skull demonstrating the locDiagram of a neonate's skull demonstrating the location of the sutures.

See the list below:

  • The coronal suture separates the 2 frontal bones from the parietal bones.

  • The metopic suture separates the frontal bones.

  • The sagittal suture separates the 2 parietal bones.

  • The lambdoid suture separates the occipital bone from the 2 parietal bones.

Normal Suture Closure (Open Table in a new window)


Closure Begins (Years)



0.2–2 (persists 10%)

















Primary craniosynostosis

When one or more sutures fuse prematurely, skull growth can be restricted perpendicular to the suture. If multiple sutures fuse while the brain is still increasing in size, intracranial pressure can increase. [3, 1]

  • Scaphocephaly - Early fusion of the sagittal suture

  • Anterior plagiocephaly - Early fusion of one coronal suture

  • Brachycephaly - Early bilateral coronal suture fusion

  • Posterior plagiocephaly - Early closure of one lambdoid suture

  • Trigonocephaly - Early fusion of the metopic suture

    Frontal view showing a fused and ridged metopic suFrontal view showing a fused and ridged metopic suture on 3-dimensional CT.

Secondary craniosynostosis

More frequent than the primary type, secondary craniosynostosis can result from early fusion of sutures due to primary failure of brain growth. Since brain growth drives the bony plates apart at the sutures, a primary lack of brain growth allows premature fusion of all the sutures. [3, 1]

Skull deformities associated with single suture sySkull deformities associated with single suture synostosis.
CT image demonstrating features of secondary craniCT image demonstrating features of secondary craniosynostosis with cerebral atrophy. Cerebral atrophy is not present in primary craniosynostosis.

Intracranial pressure is usually normal, and surgery is seldom needed. Typically, failure of brain growth results in microcephaly. Premature suture closure does not compromise brain growth and does not require surgery to open sutures.

Intrauterine space constraints may play a role in the premature fusion of sutures in the fetal skull. [4] This has been demonstrated in coronal craniosynostosis. Other secondary causes of craniosynostosis include systemic disorders that affect bone metabolism such as rickets and hypercalcemia.



Incidence of craniosynostosis is 0.04–0.1% or 1 in every 2500 babies. [5] Of affected individuals, 2–8% have primary craniosynostosis. The remaining cases are secondary craniosynostosis, which frequently is accompanied by microcephaly. The frequencies of the various types of craniosynostosis are as follows: sagittal 50–58%, coronal 20–29%, metopic 4–10%, and lambdoid 2–4%. [6]


Raised intracranial pressure is rare with fusion of a single suture. It can occur in primary craniosynostosis when multiple sutures fuse.

  • Primary craniosynostosis: Although the major morbidity is due to the abnormal shape of the skull, intracranial pressure can be elevated. This occurs with a high frequency in multiple suture synostosis and rarely with single suture synostosis.

  • Secondary craniosynostosis: Typically no morbidity is noted, except that related to the underlying disorder. The lack of brain growth often is associated with neurodevelopmental delay. [7, 8]

  • Craniosynostosis of 1–2 sutures: Cosmetic defect is the primary morbidity.


Craniosynostosis is equally distributed in both boys and girls.

Craniosynostosis is evident at birth (neonatal period) when associated with other craniofacial abnormalities.

Secondary or primary craniosynostosis becomes evident as the child grows (0–18 mo).


Patients with primary craniosynostosis must be monitored after surgery. The vast majority of patients with primary, single suture synostosis have little or no morbidity following surgery. One systematic review of neurodevelopmental studies found some evidence that children with single suture synostosis are at increased risk for difficulties in cognitive, language, and motor domains during infancy (both pre- and post-surgery) and childhood. [9]

In secondary craniosynostosis, prognosis is dependent upon underlying etiology.

Patients with syndromic craniosynostosis can have a much more complicated clinical course due to the increased severity of the craniosynostosis and associated problems (eg, hydrocephalus and airway obstruction). They are also at increased risk of intellectual disability, and social and attention problems. [10, 11]  A multidisciplinary approach is important in the management of the complex problems of these patients.
