Plantar fasciitis is typically evaluated and treated without surgery, responding well to physical medicine and rehabilitation approaches such as stretching, splints (or other orthotic devices), modalities, and local injections.
One issue regarding physical medicine and rehabilitation for plantar fasciitis is that chronic plantar pain leads to increased limping; this can produce an antalgic gait pattern that may hinder and possibly decrease mobility to levels that are unacceptable for the performance of activities of daily living (ADLs), including work and recreation.
For further information on this topic, see the Medscape Drugs & Diseases article Plantar Fasciitis.
Physical Therapy
A retrospective study by Fraser et al, using a large patient record database, determined that between 2007 and 2011, among unique patients with plantar fasciitis who made an ambulatory care visit, only about 7% underwent evaluation by a physical therapist. Of those who were evaluated, the majority were treated with manual therapy and a course of supervised rehabilitation. [1]
The mainstay physical therapy for plantar fasciitis is stretching. [2] Many authors advise against considering surgical referral and intervention until a minimum of 6-9 months of comprehensive nonsurgical treatment has been completed.
There are a number of ways to stretch the plantar fascia and the Achilles tendon. For patients who report that the most severe symptoms occur with the first steps after awakening, stretches should be performed before the patient even gets out of bed.
This can be accomplished by keeping a long towel at the bedside. Upon awakening, the patient can stretch the plantar fascia by using the towel to cause passive dorsiflexion of the ankle, with each hand pulling one end of the towel, using the midportion of the towel to pull on the plantar aspect of the forefoot region. Other techniques for stretching the Achilles tendon include passive stretch while standing and nighttime ankle-foot orthoses to keep the feet in neutral at night (thus stretching the Achilles tendon). [3]
The plantar fascia also can be stretched by having the patient, while seated, roll a soda can between the sole and the floor. Using a cold can of soda may give further symptomatic relief through local cooling.
Passive stretching of the plantar fascia also can be achieved by using one hand at the plantar aspect of the forefoot region and then dorsiflexing the foot. Many of the initial treatments of plantar fasciitis, such as the morning stretching programs noted above, require little or no medical equipment and can be done independently by the patient at home. This makes these initial treatments available to a wide population, even those with socioeconomic challenges and/or other health barriers.
A study found non–weight-bearing stretching exercises specific to the plantar fascia to be superior to the standard program of weight-bearing, Achilles tendon–stretching exercises in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. [4] Another study suggested that static progressive stretch bracing may be an effective alternative to static stretching exercises. The study showed no significant difference between static stretching exercises and static progressive stretch braces in terms of pain relief or functional improvement. [5]
According to a study investigating plantar fasciitis treatment options, no evidence supports the idea that gastrocnemius/soleus stretching as a stand-alone treatment is as effective as plantar fascia–specific stretching. Gastrocnemius/soleus stretching may be beneficial as a supplement to the more isolated plantar fascia–specific stretching. [6]
In addition to stretching regimens, improving gait patterns can be helpful in patients with plantar fasciitis. By using arch-building gait patterns, patients with plantar fasciitis can help to modulate the pressure distribution in their feet and mimic biomechanics of patients without plantar fasciitis. Arch-building gait patterns can be achieved by practicing short-foot exercises. Short-foot exercises involve pulling the big toe towards the heel in a way that flexes the toe and effectively shortens the foot. [7]
Orthotics devices are a viable treatment option for patients with plantar fasciitis and are relatively inexpensive compared with other options. Orthotics devices are thought to reduce symptoms by diminishing and absorbing shock that is normally absorbed by the plantar fascia. Another theory proposes that the orthotics attempt to correct postural deviations or muscle deficiencies that may predispose an individual to developing plantar fasciitis. [8]
Commonly prescribed silicone inserts are effective in reducing pain and increasing functions in the short term. Both affordable and readily available, popular recommendation includes first-line treatment with silicone orthotics for patients with plantar fasciitis. [9]
Dorsiflexing both the ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints can reduce the tension of the posterior calf along with the plantar fascia, thereby reducing pain. These modalities can be applied both during the day, while being active, and at night, increasing the chance of pain reduction. [10]
While evidence has been somewhat inconsistent regarding the effectiveness of night splints and orthoses used separately for reducing pain caused by plantar fasciitis, studies suggest that the treatment protocol combining the 2 modalities is more effective than orthotics alone in relieving foot pain in patients with plantar fasciitis. [10] Massage of the plantar fascia, accomplished by running the thumb or fingers lengthwise along the fascia, can be beneficial for patients with plantar fasciitis. The physical therapist may perform this technique during therapy sessions and may instruct the patient or family members on how to continue the massage independently at home.
Application of ice is an important part of the treatment process to reduce pain and inflammation. Ice should be applied after exercise; such therapy may be performed either as an ice massage for 5 minutes or by applying an ice pack for 15-20 minutes. The physical therapist also may recommend other modalities, such as ultrasound, phonophoresis, or iontophoresis, to assist further with pain relief and reduction of inflammation.
A single-blinded study by Heigh et al indicated that intense therapeutic ultrasound is effective against chronic plantar fasciitis musculoskeletal pain. In addition to conservative standard of care, the study’s 33 patients underwent two ultrasound treatments 4 weeks apart. At 4-, 8-, 12-, and 26-week follow-up, 72%, 81%, 86%, and 79% of patients, respectively, met pain reduction criteria. Mean pain scores at these intervals varied from baseline by -39%, -49%, -51%, and -44%, respectively. [11]
In some cases, taping of the plantar fascia by an athletic trainer or a physical therapist can help to decrease stress on the fascia, enabling the patient to better tolerate activity. Taping techniques are used to distribute force away from the stressed and irritated fascia and to provide some relief from discomfort caused by weight-bearing activities.
If the patient needs to decrease activity level because of this condition, remember to suggest alternative means of maintaining strength and cardiovascular fitness (eg, swimming, water aerobics, other aquatic exercises). Generally, in patients with plantar fasciitis due to work-related causes, the physical therapist can perform work-hardening activities with physician supervision.
Corticosteroid injections
Local corticosteroid injections (CSIs) are a popular choice in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, but evidence supports their use for a short-term benefit only. [12] This conclusion was evidenced by a literature review by Li et al. Using a meta-analysis of four studies (289 patients total), the investigators found that although patients with plantar fasciitis who underwent CSIs experienced better pain relief after 1 month than did patients receiving placebo injections, no such difference was found between the two groups after two months. [13]
When comparing the use of CSI versus foot orthoses for long-term treatment, a study by Whittaker et al comparing the efficacy of both therapies at weeks 4 and 12 found orthoses to be more effective. [14] When comparing the use of CSI versus extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and radiofrequency thermal lesioning (RTL), a retrospective cohort study by Yapici et al demonstrated that all three treatments have similar efficacy for up to 1 year. However, the authors noted that CSI is more commonly available in comparison with ESWT and RTL. [15]
The patient should be instructed to contact the physician before the scheduled follow-up appointment if there is significant progression of the symptoms or if there are any local signs of infection at the injection site.
A single-blinded, randomized, controlled superiority study by Johannsen et al indicated that CSIs combined with strength training and stretching are more effective in treating plantar fasciitis than is either therapy alone. Measuring pain at function using the Foot Function Index (FFI) and a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS) score, the investigators found mean FFI and VAS score differences of 40 points and 20 mm, respectively, between combined therapy and treatment with strength training and stretching alone. Mean FFI/VAS score differences of 29 points/17 mm were found between combined treatment and corticosteroid therapy alone. [16]
Platelet-rich plasma injections/regenerative therapy
Multiple studies have shown platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to be an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis. PRP is believed to benefit patients by promoting growth and repair of damaged tissue. A literature review by Alkhatib et al indicated that PRP injections are superior to CSIs in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. This was noted at 6-month follow-up in the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score (which measures functionality), and at 6- and 12-month follow-up using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score (which measures pain). Despite this, no significant difference was seen between the PRP and CSI groups at 1 or 3 months with regard to the VAS score, indicating that PRP may be more beneficial for patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. [17]
A randomized, controlled trial by Khurana et al split 118 plantar fasciitis patients into two treatment groups, with steroid injections administered to 60 patients and PRP injections to 58 patients. The PRP group had the largest improvements in VAS scores. Prior to injection, the mean VAS scores in the PRP and steroid groups were 9.40 and 9.38, respectively. Six months after injection, the mean VAS scores improved to 0.52 in the PRP group and to 1.92 in the steroid group. Similarly, improvements in the AOFAS score were also significantly greater in the PRP group than in the steroid group. [18]
Hohmann et al published a systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 studies comparing PRP injections with steroid injections in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. The meta-analysis showed that PRP injections produced more favorable improvements in VAS at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months post injection than did steroid treatment. Similarly, PRP injections produced more favorable improvements in the AOFAS scores at 6 months and 12 months post injection. However, according to the investigators, the low quality and high risk of bias found in some of these studies raise questions about the findings. [19]
Haddad et al conducted a randomized clinical trial of 110 patients with chronic plantar fasciitis, comparing PRP injections with ESWT. Half of the patients (55) received PRP injections, and the other half (55) received ESWT, with a 24 week follow-up. While both treatment groups reported significantly improved pain scores, the improvements were greater in the PRP group. [20]
A randomized clinical trial by Vellingiri et al assessed patients with chronic (more than 3 months) plantar fasciitis treated with PRP injections versus those managed with steroid injections. Results evaluated 100 patients (50 in each group) and showed that the PRP group had lower pain scores (mean VAS score = 3.5) than did the steroid group (mean VAS score = 4.4). Notably, both groups had post-injection complications. In the PRP group, two patients had superficial infections, while in the steroid group, complications occurred in 10 patients (including superficial infections [five patients], skin depigmentation [three patients], and fat pad atrophy [two patients]). Thus, overall, the PRP group had better pain relief and fewer complications than did the steroid group. [21]
Similarly, a meta-analysis extracted data regarding the pain scores and plantar fascia thickness of 1356 patients after receiving either PRP, steroid injection, or ESWT for the conservative management of plantar fasciitis. The results of the 21 studies included in the meta-analysis demonstrated that PRP was more effective in reducing pain scores, in comparison with a steroid injection or ESWT. [22]
In contrast to the above studies, a literature review by Tseng et al showed no significant difference between patients with plantar fasciitis treated with autologous blood-derived products and those treated with CSI, with regard to the VAS or AOFAS scores at 3-6 weeks, 3 months, or 6 months. Nonetheless, the fact that these results differed from those of previous studies could be due to study design in that this review included only randomized, controlled trials. [23]
Matthews et al performed a retrospective cohort study to examine the benefit of regenerative therapies by comparing the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) before treatment with the NPRS 3 months after patients received therapy with either a standardized plantar fascial treatment protocol (standard therapy) or standard therapy plus regenerative treatment. They found that both groups improved but that, compared with the patients who received standard therapy, the regenerative treatment group had lower pain scores and a lower likelihood of eventually undergoing surgical intervention. [24]
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
ESWT is an effective treatment for reducing pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Shock waves are sound-wave vibrations that are transported through tissue by fluid and solid-particle interaction. This creates local tissue injury, causing new vessel growth as well as increasing the amount of tissue growth factors within the localized area. Therefore, one of the proposed theories is that ESWT stimulates healing by creating a wound environment at the site of treatment.
ESWT works in multiple ways in order to potentially provide relief in patients with plantar fasciitis. ESWT stimulates soft tissue healing by focusing single, microsecond-duration pressure pulses. These pulses can pass through body fluids and tissues to reach the affected plantar aponeurosis. The pulses may also super-stimulate the affected nerves, thus modulating nociceptors, inhibiting the transmission of pain information, and promoting the release of pain-inhibiting substances from local tissue. [25]
Adverse effects include calcaneal pain, erythema on the calcaneal area, local edema, local paresthesia, and local bruising, all of which have generally been reported as short term and tolerable.
At moderate and high intensity, ESWT may reduce pain and improve function in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis and potentially reduce the need for invasive procedures (ie, surgery). The effectiveness of focused ESWT was demonstrated in a study by Gollwitzer et al on patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. The prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, which included 246 patients and a 12-week follow-up period, found that focused ESWT was successful in reducing heel pain in 50-65% of patients. [26]
Benefits to ESWT versus surgery include the risks associated with surgery such as swelling of the heel pad, calcaneal fracture, injury to the posterior tibial nerve or its branches, flattening of the longitudinal arch, and delayed recovery. ESWT can be administered in an outpatient setting, and patients are not required to avoid weight bearing to delay return to work.
ESWT is a cost-effective modality and one of the few treatments tested and supported with evidence-based medicine standards for approaching plantar fasciitis treatment. [27] However, ESWT may not be as effective as low-level laser therapy in producing pain relief in patients with plantar fasciitis. More specifically, low-level laser therapy may be capable of greater pain relief at short-term follow up of 3 months or less. [28]
A study by Bagcier et al involving 40 patients with plantar fasciitis indicated that the use of ESWT in combination with dry needling is more effective in reducing pain and improving functionality after 1 month than ESWT alone. Dry needling is believed to benefit the patient by decreasing the sensitivity of trigger points, which in turn may reduce the perceived pain the patient feels when stretching. This would permit more efficient stretching and increased physical activity. [29]
A prospective, randomized, 1-year follow-up study by Çağlar et al indicated that ESWT and foot orthoses have similar short- and medium-term benefits in plantar fasciitis. However, the use of foot orthoses produced better long-term benefits (>24 weeks). [30]
A study of 60 patients with plantar fasciitis concluded that a variation of ESWT, extracorporeal pulse-activated therapy (EPAT), should be recommended as a first-line treatment for the condition when compared with CSI. [31]
In a study involving 88 patients with plantar fasciitis, Dedes et al reported that although ESWT and ultrasound therapy are both effective treatments, ESWT showed superior results at 4-week follow-up. [32]
Endoscopic plantar fasciotomy (EPF) and ESWT are both effective for treating chronic plantar fasciitis, with EPF favored for outcome. However, ESWT treatment could be preferred, since the athlete can remain active while undergoing treatment. Therefore, ESWT may be a viable first-line treatment with little disadvantage, especially when an athlete wishes to continue to be active. [27]
Akinoglu et al divided 54 female patients with plantar fasciitis into three groups, all of which were given a home exercise program. One group additionally received three sessions of radial ESWT (r-ESWT), and another received exercise and seven sessions of ultrasound therapy. The FFI and AOFAS scores were measured prior to and at 4 weeks after the patients' first treatment. The study found that while symptoms were decreased in all groups following therapy, there was a greater reduction in the FFI score for the ultrasound treatment patients relative to the other two groups. [33]
Fouda et al published a prospective, randomized trial in which patients with plantar fasciitis all received traditional physical therapy as well as one of three additional treatments: either ultrasound, radial shockwave (RSW), or both ultrasound and RSW. After 4 weeks of treatment, improvements in the FFI score and the ankle dorsiflexion range of motion were significantly better in the patients who received traditional physical therapy combined with both ultrasound and RSW treatment than they were in the other two groups. [34]
A study by Thammajaree et al compared morning pain, resting pain, pain at 80 newtons pressure, skin blood flow and temperature, plantar fascia and flexor digitorum brevis thickness, and the FFI score in patients following treatment with r-ESWT or high-intensity laser therapy (HILT). The investigators found that both r-ESWT and HILT caused significant improvement in reported pain but that HILT produced a greater decrease in the FFI score. [35]
A similar study by Wang et al compared the heel temperature and pain level of the control group receiving plantar ESWT with a group receiving plantar ESWT combined with trigger-point injections at the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The results indicated a greater improvement in heel temperature (an indication of inflammation) and pain levels in the second group, thus demonstrating the superiority of combining ESWT with calf trigger-point injections in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. [36]
Alternative Diagnoses
Finally, it is essential to address the course of treatment for patients in whom plantar fasciitis is refractory even after utilization of the treatments discussed above. A retrospective cohort study by Jung et al found that 17.5% of patients with refractory plantar fasciitis were diagnosed with peripheral spondyloarthritis through human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) testing. In those cases, the pain was resolved through treatment of the underlying peripheral spondyloarthritis. This study highlights the importance of seeking alternative, systemic, underlying diagnoses in cases where treatment for plantar fasciitis is ineffective. [37]